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Aim for Tighter, Smoother Skin with an Upper Arm Lift

Fluctuations in weight, growing older and even heredity can cause your upper arms to have a drooping, sagging appearance. Exercise may strengthen and improve the underlying muscle tone of the upper arm, but it cannot address excess skin that has lost elasticity or underlying weakened tissues and localized fat deposits.

If the underside of your upper arms is sagging or appears loose and full due to excess skin and fat, an arm lift may be right for you. For a personal and confidential consultation about how appropriate an upper arm lift would be for you, call Niagara Plastic Surgery & Laser Centre.

While results may vary, an arm lift can:

  • Reduce excess skin and fat between the underarm and the elbow

  • Reshape your arm to result in smoother skin and contours

  • Result in a more toned and proportionate appearance

A special note: In order to achieve your improved image, there will be a scar on the inside of your upper arm.*


The cost of the treatment is approximately 8K. 

* Individual results may vary.


Enhance Your Appearance

Receive individual care from a certified plastic surgeon.



An arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure that reshapes the under portion of the upper arm, from the underarm region to the elbow. The procedure is performed with the goals of:

  • Reducing excess sagging skin that droops downward

  • Tightening and smoothing the underlying supportive tissue that defines the shape of the upper arm

  • Reducing localized pockets of fat in the upper arm region


In general, candidates for an arm lift include:

  • Adults with significant upper arm skin laxity

  • Adults of any age whose weight is relatively stable and who are not significantly overweight

  • Healthy individuals who do not have medical conditions that can impair healing or increase risk of surgery

  • Non-smokers

  • Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic expectations

Photo Gallery

Photographs here are not retouched and are for educational and informative purposes only. Individual results may vary.

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